Best to ask your questions there as we might not see them here. That link is shown in the ESL registration site.
Register on the web site so we have you in the system. That will save a LOT of time at the field.
In order to fly you have to check in at the field, sign in, show your AMA card. That check in will begin at 8am.
Pilot's meeting will be about 8:30 am. At that point flight group assignments will be handed out based on who checked in. If you have not checked in before the pilot's meeting we will not have you assigned to a flight group. If you have registered on the web site and you are there before the first flight group launches we will try to work you in but I can't guarantee anything.
The Co-CD is coming from CT too. Plan your trip accordingly. That is about all I can tell you.
Best regards, Ed Anderson Long Island Silent Flyers